No spoilers, please!) when I'm in the Bravil area (which will probably be in my next play session, given I'm just leaving Leyawiin) but I'm only, like, level three or something. I've heard good things about SI and am a little tempted to at least investigate the door (I have no idea what's actually beyond it, just that it's Good Stuff. Second question - is there a particular level I ought to be at before I start investigating the Shivering Isles content? I'm pretty new to Oblivion, am just starting a new character (after a couple of false starts), not sure I'm going to do the MQ, currently wandering around, exploring, doing local quests and getting Mages' Guild recommendations.

You'll have to swim there, which is also a good way to increase your athletic skill in the game. Once you have the add-on installed and wait 24 hours in the game, you'll want to make your way over to a small island located in the Niben Bay, which is southwest of the Imperial City and east of Bravil. He represents logical order and deduction and has taken account of every detail of the world and of every action that has ever taken place on Mundus or Oblivion, long before they actually happen.

The interview was conducted by The Imperial Library.
#Where is the shivering isles located on mundus how to
Couple of questions about this - first, I don't get the 'I've heard about a strange door' quest to nudge me towards the isle in the Niben Bay, should I be worried about this? If I actually approach the isle the quest *does* trigger, but I believe it should show up within a couple of game days of me starting with SI installed? Is this likely to be one of those things where everything ends up broken, or just a minor hiccup? How To Get Into The Shivering Isles In Oblivion. Jyggalag (in Daedric script, ) is the main antagonist in the Shivering Isles expansion and the Daedric Prince of Order. In 2007, Kurt Kuhlmann and Bruce Nesmith of Bethesda Softworks took part in an in-universe interview, playing the roles of Haskill and Dyus from the Shivering Isles expansion released that year.